Volunteer Prayer Service
Sunday, August 2nd at 6:30 pm
We’re gearing up for an exciting month of August with our first-ever service in the new Worship Center and we’re starting with prayer! The evening is designed to introduce our volunteers to the new building and give them the opportunity to tour, get familiar with serving roles, pray, praise and worship together. The service will be dedicated to giving God all the glory and praising Him with our whole hearts for everything He is doing through Creekside Christian Church.
Dedication Worship Services
Sunday, August 9th at 9:30 am & 11:00 am | Wednesday, August 12th at 6:30 pm
We’re worshipping in our new Worship Center as a church family on this very special day along with many special people who helped make this day possible. We’ll be joined by our general contractor, various trade workers, Christian Financial Resources representatives, and dignitaries from our community, all who have greatly impacted this project. Praise God for each talented person who played a part in bringing us to this moment. We’ll also have refreshments available for us the enjoy as we spend time connecting.
Grand Opening Celebration
Saturday, August 22nd from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Invite your friends. Invite your neighbors. Invite everyone you know as we celebrate our Grand Opening with the community. We’ve spent the last two years preparing for this day and now, with much excitement, it’s time to show our community how much we love them. We’re having a Grand Opening Party with pony rides, bounce houses, entertainment, food and building tours.
Grand Opening Worship Services
Sunday, August 23rd at 9:30 am & 11:00 am | Wednesday, August 26th at 6:30 pm
our Grand Opening Worship Services is where we’ll introduce our new Worship Center to the community! The last few months have been challenging for everyone and we want to send a message of hope to the community, inviting them to church and inviting them to become part of the Creekside family. We are all commanded to “go and make disciples” and this is a great opportunity to live that out by inviting others to join you at Creekside for our Grand Opening Worship Services!
Invite the Community
We pray Creekside’s vision of Christ, Community, Compassionpenetrates deeply into the heart of every Creekside member. Youcan help achieve that vision by inviting five families or more to ourGrand Opening festivities on August 22nd, 23rd, and 26th. We’ll giveyou all the tools you need so all you have to do is do the inviting.Statistics show that people are more likely to come to church if theyare personally invited. Who are you going to invite?
Download Invitation