
Barry Clark was born in Knoxville, Tennessee and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. He now resides with Lori, his wife of 35 years in St. Johns, Florida.

They have three children, Austin and his wife Hannah, Jake and his wife Maddie, who are giving Barry and Lori their first grandchild, and Aubrey, who is engaged to Nakana. Barry enjoys rooting for the St. Louis Cardinals and playing an occasional round of golf.

He loves being on staff and says, “It’s a blast working with people who love Jesus, are authentic, transparent, and dedicated.” Barry’s favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart… and He will make your paths straight,” and he’s so excited to work with a staff passionate about seeing an overflow of Jesus in every life.

Here’s a fun fact about Barry! Believe it or not, in his younger years, he lived next door to and played football with Tommy Maypother. You will likely recognize his “screen” name… actor, Tom Cruise.